Who is Lauren Gunderson?

February 24, 2022
The Play

Lauren Gunderson was born in Atlanta, Georgia. She received her BA in English/Creative Writing at Emory University, and her MFA in Dramatic Writing at NYU Tisch. In 2017 and 2019, she was named the most produced playwright in America by American Theatre Magazine. Her work has received national praise and awards including being a Steinberg/ATCA New Play Award finalist, a Susan Smith Blackburn finalist, a Jane Chambers Award finalist, and winner of the Berrilla Kerr Award for American Theatre, Global Age Project, Young Playwright’s Award, Eric Bentley New Play Award, and Essential Theatre Prize.

Over the years, Lauren has taught online playwriting classes, participated in webinars concerning how playwrights interact with different theatre artists, and has continued writing plays! She is an activist who speaks out concerning politics, against gun violence, for equal rights, and advocates for using theatre as a platform for activism. Along with several plays dealing with science and STEM, Lauren also holds a place on the Science & Society Program Advisory Council at The Aspen Institute where they aim to generate greater public appreciation for science as a vital tool to address global challenges, as well as foster a diverse scientific workforce whose contributions extend beyond the laboratory.


Exit, Pursued by a Bear (2012)

I and You (2013)

The Taming (2015)

Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley (2017)

Ada and the Engine (2018)

The Book of Will (2018)

The Revolutionists (2018)

Natural Shocks: A One Woman Play in a Tornado (2019)

The Half-Life of Marie Curie (2020)

The Catastrophist (2021)

Rebecca Weaver

My name is Rebecca Weaver, and I am the dramaturg for JSU's production of Emilie La Marquise Du Chatlet Defends Her Life Tonight. I am so excited to be working on this production! Please let me know if there are any questions or comments on any of this research - I'll be happy to find some more if you need it!

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